lördag 14 mars 2009

What's goaten into Neill Strauss?

Neill Strauss's got a new book out. He's also got a little club going along with the book. To get in, you have to buy two copies of the book.

Neill Strauss's also gotten heavily into goats. See for yourself.

I like his books a lot, The Game was very interesting, a friend of mine got instant "help" from it, which impressed the hell out of me. The Dirt, about Motley Crue, is higly entertaining. This time, the new book "Emergency" is about "Survivalism", and it is kind of like based on one of those extreme survival shows on Discovery. After reading the summary in the link above, I feel like I want to read the whole thing. After all, who don't want to be like the guy in Terminator, who comes from the future, to save the future leader of mankind in the war against the machines. That guy, who can deal with pretty much anything, a bit like MacGyver, but cool.

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