söndag 27 juli 2008

Superhero movies, acting and digtal effects.

Growing up I was totally into superhero comics, Spiderman, Batman and more odd stuff like Berni Wrightson's Swamp Thing and anything by Jack Kirby. Back then superhero culture was a bit outside of the mainstream, and considered a bad influence on kids. Kind of like computer and console games of today. Anyhow, it is great fun to these days to see superhero movies continually on the big screen, or on a computer near you.
Just saw half the new Batman movie, and here are my 50 cents so far:
In making a superhero movie, what costs most money are digital effects and actors. My guess is effects cost more, since there is so much acting going on in these movies. Batman 5 is no exception. It starts out with some good action fore the first 5 minutes, then they get into an acting spell of like 10 minutes, then a little bit of action, then action for another 10 minutes. Now, this movie contains bona fide actors like: Christian Bale, Michael Caine, Heath Ledger, Gary Oldman and Morgan Freeman. So inevitably, one gets a lot of acting, and not so much acton in the first half. Agreeably, Heath Ledger is super as The Joker, shaky like Slash in 1989 waiting for a fix of smack.
Byt hey, why do you see a superhero movie? It's because you want a fat bunch of action. My verdict for the next superhero movie: Shorten the movie in half, Batman 5 is 2.5 hours, save cash on fewer actors, and double up the action. More rollercoaster ride, less Hamlet!

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