torsdag 16 december 2010

Check out the Krah!

Greek street artist working out of London, cool stuph!

Some info from Krah himself:

New Krah fanzine

At last the first self published fanzine of the Krah’s sketches…
Hundreds of drawings, photos of graffiti and unseen illustrations of The Krah’s over-active imagination.
25 pages of back to back freestyle outlines, introducing the style evolution of his character design from his early sketches to what has now become his ‘The Krah’ trade mark style…
This is a limited edition publication so when its finished there will not be more, so grab yours now from:

If you have a gallery or shop and you are interested in selling this publication, please get in touch…

Other things you might like:

checkout my latest video: 

and you can Befriend me on facebook:

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