söndag 2 mars 2008

No Country for Old Endings

Just saw No Country For Old Men. I can understand the hype totally. About as cool as Pulp Fiction and more thrilling than The Usual Suspects (The Keyser Sauze movie). Incredibly beatiful landscape, cool cars (did they really just drive fullsize GM cars 1980?). Now, the movie is extremely thrilling for 3/4, then it turns into something else, and twists your head a bit. Still, it's those quirky Coen brothers going at it again. Anyhow, it's a must see. Best film in years. And Javier Bardiem, with the Sonny Bono hairdo is just the creepiest imagineable ruthless killer in many years. Did I mention that the photography is just beautiful, and the small parts with motel clerks and trailer park-managers are fantastic?
Watch the trailer:

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