tisdag 5 maj 2009

Stuff Swedish People Like: No heads rolling

In Sweden, it is very rare that someone gets to take responsibility for mistakes, accidents or even deaths, caused by neglect, laziness or just regular cheapness. Since Sweden don't have the same possibilities to sue, as in, say the USA, usually nothing happens, even if someone gets killed. Often, no one is to be found responsible, and if there is, not much happens.

An example: A few years ago in Stockholm city, a young boy was hit by a falling chunk of ice from a roof top, causing his death. The company which owns the building had not put up the snowblocking devices that were supposed to be installed, probably to save money. Now what happens? The family of the boy wants to take them to court, do so, and the verdict is that the owners have to put up a snowblocker soon! In another country, this would have cost a few million for the company, to make it noticeable in the annual report, at least. Did anyone lose their job, no, not even close.

Another example: One of the present government ministers is revealed to have a fake University Diploma. What happens?

Another example: A top factory-worker union leader is sitting in 28 different boards, getting paid extra from most of them. And in one case, she is handing out large bonuses to a pension fund board, and later claims she had no clue it was as many millions as it was. Do you think she resigns?

But it hasn't always been like this in Sweden. About 15 years ago, the present leader of the Social Democratic party, Mona Sahlin, was fired from the party top for using her party's credit card for private payments. She managed to make a comeback, but she was out in the cold for a long while. But right now, it seems Swedes can screw up indefinately, and still don't lose their jobs. However, if the economy is bad, as it is right now, companies can fire as many as they want. They just have to start with the most recently hired, and keep going upwards in hiring dates.

So to lose your job in Sweden, you have to be fairly recently hired. If you suck at your job and is a total schmuck, the longer you've been employed, the safer you are, easy as that. If you want to befriend a Swede, just say you think it's great that Sweden have such solid employment security, because most Swedes are of this opinion. The Swedes will then think you are a sound person, and will ask you if you one day not might want to move to Sweden.

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